An OCV campaign took place as a
complementary measure to improved water, sanitation, and hygiene and health
promotion in selected at risk villages for cholera outbreak in Banke district.
The vaccination campaign was conducted in two rounds. The first round started
on 29th November through 3rd December 2016 and the second round took place
between 17th December through 21st December 2016 (Mop-up: 4th ? 8th
January 2017).
The campaign targeted a population of
28135 aged one year and above in a cluster of selected high-risk villages of possible cholera outbreaks. The Rotary
International donated 55000 doses of vaccine to Ministry of Health, Government
of Nepal (GoN) to implement the vaccination program.
This vaccination campaign was
organized with active mobilization of Female Community Health Volunteers
(FCHVs) and health workers at various vaccination sites. Tally sheets, daily
summary sheets and Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) reporting forms
were used to record data at each vaccination site and respective health
During the first round 25546 people
out of 28135 targeted were vaccinated (90.79 % coverage). During the second
round 26912 people received the vaccine out of 28135 (95.65
% coverage). In overall, the coverage was
satisfactory with percentage of those taking two doses was 85% and second dose
by those who received OCV in first round was 93.95%. There was no serious AEFI
reported. There was no issue with taste of the vaccine and was not considered
any barrier to its acceptance in the community.
The campaign has set a basis for
future prevention and control / eliminate cholera.